"The Encourager"
Bulletin https://faithlife.com/slccfaith/bulletins/110700108
“The Encourager”
Acts 4:32-37
1) Today __ will be _________ to _______, the ________.
Acts 4:32
2) This is a _________ picture of the ______. Like anything else it ______ long until some _________ arose.
II Thessalonians 3:10
Acts 4:33
3) Jesus said _______ and _____ will pass away but My _____ will _____ pass away.
Acts 4:34
II Corinthians 9:6-7
4) God ______ a ________ giver and there are so ____ of ____.
5) Paul worked as a _________ when there ______ enough _________ to fund his ____.
Acts 4:35
Acts 4:36
6) Barnabas is ________ in ____ at least __ times.
7) A _______, according to Deuteronomy ____, could not own _____.
Acts 4:37